Monday, December 5, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

Thyme and Sesame-Crusted Mahi Mahi
Green Beans
Citrus Fruit Salad

Hot Dogs
Sweet Potato Fries

Chicken Ravioli
Italian Bread
Spinach Salad

Pork Chops with Apricot-Tomato Chutney
Wild Rice
Steamed Broccoli

Winter Squash and Apple Soup
Enhanced by Zemanta

Monday, October 24, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

Fall is here folks! Temps are cooling down for the most part. This really makes me want to make soups and chili. It took a lot for me to remember during my menu planning that Charleston won't be in the soup and chili state of mind for a while now. I am cooking more substantial meals though. I'm discovering many of them on Pinterest. Have you been pinning? Do you love it as much as I do? I cannot get enough. If you haven't tried Pinterest and you'd like an invitation, let me know, I'll send you one! If you are on and you'd like to follow my pins, you can find me here.

Monday: Spaghetti with Sauteed Chicken and Grape Tomatoes

Tuesday: Slow Cooker Beef Brisket with Beer
Brown Sugar Baked Acorn Squash

Wednesday: Zucchini Black Bean and Rice Skillet

Thursday: Lasagna Roll-ups
Zucchini Fries

Friday: Vegetable and Chickpea Curry
Cous Cous

Saturday: Clean Out Refrigerator Night

Enhanced by Zemanta

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sunday's Something to Ponder

"Your not going to get the butt you want by sitting on the one you've got."


Friday, October 7, 2011

Contest on my Facebook Page

I've been having loads of fun creating rings and bracelets out of buttons. Mostly, I use vintage buttons but always, I make one-of-a-kind creations. Pieces none of your friends have. Totally original. I sell them mostly at local shows here in Mt Pleasant, SC. Although I have an Esty shop, I am considering going Facebook only. I invite you to check out my collection on Facebook here. I also invite you to Like my page. Once I reach 100 fans, I will be rewarding one lucky person with a ricepuddin' original signature piece (featured here.) Share it with your friends!



Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday's Something to Ponder

Do something today that your future self will thank you for.


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday's Something to Ponder

"The greatest weakness of most humans is their hesitancy to tell others how much they love them while they're alive."

I hope we all take the history of today and realize just how important this is. You never know what a day may bring. When it may be someone's last. When it will be too late.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

School is in full swing. My preschool job is starting again. The Princess is cheering this season. Somehow, I am the coach! Not-too-big-to-say-he-loves-me is playing Lacrosse. And, Man-Cub is back at  Cross Country... running every day. I need my menu plan. Cannot survive without it. It's the stuff that keeps me sane.

Monday: BBQ Salmon; rice pilaf
rice pilaf photo via

Tuesday: home made pizza; salad

Wednesday: Corn, Black Bean, and Beef Empanadas; rice; spinach salad
Empanada photo via What's Cookin, Chicago?

Thursday:  Clean Out Refrigerator Night

Friday: brats; fruit salad; crispy zucchini fries
zucchini fries photo via adventuressheart


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunday's Something to Ponder

What you don't see with your eyes,
don't invent with your tongue.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

Gee...this summer has proven to be full of non-blogging time! Between swim team, traveling, and lot of reading, I've hardly found the time to sit in front of my computer. Not entirely a bad thing! It gave me a chance to do things I'd not done in a while. Like, I went to Costco this weekend. Spent 3 hours and $500! Came out with tons of organic meat, fish, produce, and snacks. Yes, I also got the obligatory toilet paper! Not the paper towels, though. I've been paper-free in my kitchen for almost 2 years now. (That's a wonderful thing! Took the Hubster a good while to get used to that. OK, maybe not used to it, but he's at least not complaining on a daily basis about it anymore.)

In an effort to use some of the meat I purchased, I thought, this week would be the perfect time to return to my menu planning. It's a baby step, though. This is a 3-day week for me as we are traveling once again on Thursday. So, what's for dinner these 3 nights? Thought you'd never ask!

Monday: Sauteed fish fillets with Cucumber Raita; Green Salad; and, Bread.

Tuesday: Rosemary and Garlic Crusted Pork Loin with Butternut Squash and Potatoes; Broccoli

Wednesday: Burgers; Roasted Potatoes; Peach Crumble


Wondering why folks love to buy so much toilet paper? Look at this:

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday's Something to Ponder

Being strong is important; but knowing who you can count on is equally important.


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Six Words Sum Up the Week

He left her. Many hearts broke.

This summary, I fear, needs some clarification. This past week, a good friend of mine received a text from her husband. He was leaving her...for another woman. When she got home, he'd already packed up and left. She was left to tell their children, friends, her parents, and herself. This was not a dream. It was a nightmare. A text? A text?! A text! What a jerk.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday Finds

My family is well into the throws of summer. We wake at 6:45 (YUCK!) and the Princess goes to 7:15 Swim Team practice. (So very early. So very tired.) Man-Cub and Not-to-big-to-say-he-loves-me have practice at 8:15. At 9:30, the Princess goes to Pottery and Art camp. I pick her back up at 12:30 and we eat lunch, go to the pool, and play with our friends. Once the friends start coming, the question of snacks comes up. Over. And over. And over. Again. So here is something I did last year and I really need to start again this year.

A Snack Station!

Photo by: Mark Lund

Just grab a container and throw in the stuff that's OK for snacking on. When the kiddos are hungry, they can go to the fridge, pull out the Snack Station and pick what they want. Hope this helps you as much as it helped me last year.


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thirsty Thursday

It has already gotten so hot here. When I got in my car today, the thermometer read 105! So today's drink must be something refreshing!

Lime Sorbet Margaritas from Real Simple

Photo by: Quentin Bacon
Linking to:


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Six Words Sum Up the Week

Watching my kids; beaming with pride.

This week, Man-cub started driving on his own more. He has acted responsible and grown up with his curfews and limitations; Not-to-big-to-say-he-loves-me graduated from 5th grade. Not only did he graduate, he was an honor roll graduate. This is quite a feat as he had to overcome a lot of obstacles this year; Finally, the Princess worked up the nerve to swim in her first swim meet. Something she said she'd never do. She did so great and I think she's as proud of herself as we are of her.


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Old Crafty Hen Tuesday

A bottle of Old Crafty Hen
I must confess my reason for not posting many crafty endeavors lately. The reason is that I am in the throws of making my own crafting space. A room just for me. Well, kinda. Unless we have company or one of the kids needs to have some space of their own. Then, I have to share. For the most part, the room will be my craft studio. I like studio much better than room. Doesn't it sound more professional?

In my studio, I will create more ricepuddin' originals button rings and cards. That's when it's done. For now, I'm painting. I'm decorating. I'm organizing. While these are some of my favorite things, I'll be glad when I've completed these steps and can move on to creating.

I'd love to post a Before and After photo comparison. But, alas, I did not take the Before photo. And, since I'm still in the throws, there is not an After yet. Question is, do I dare post a Thus Far photo? Everything is moved to the center of the room and looks like a complete mess. Wonder if there's a way to angle my camera and get decent photos of the room...minus the mess.

Here's a mental picture: The room started out as 4 walls. Painted a soft green. It was the Princess' room before she moved into the larger room left empty when Man-cub and Not-to-big-to-say-he-loves-me moved into the bonus room. The color, although perfect for the Princess, was not so perfect for me. Too soothing. I needed something to ignite my creativity. I went with Turquoise. A color that always makes me smile. We had built-in cabinets constructed across the back wall of the room. There's a cut out for the twin bed that will be for those occasional guests. One side of the bed has a desk, the other has two very large drawers. All across the top are open shelves which I hope to neatly organize with my supplies. I chose to paint the built-in turquoise, as well, but two shades lighter than the walls. Everything else in the room will be black and white.

I cannot wait to complete this project. For no other reason than I'm tired of painting. Well, that and I want to tell the world I have a Studio.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

As our school year is coming to an end, I am both excited and a bit hesitant for the summer to begin. Swim team will keep our whole family busy through the first week of July. That's good and bad. My kids won't be playing lazy in the mornings. Practice starts at 7:15 and is every day, Monday through Friday. Every Tuesday and Thursday night, we'll have swim meets that will have us at the pool from 5:15 until around 10 PM. That means I've got to have my menus planned with easily transportable foods so we don't succumb to Nachos and Pizza from the concession stand. Luckily, I have one more week before that starts!

Here's what I came up with for dinner this week...

Monday: Chicken Parmesan Subs; Chips (Yep, these subs were on my menu last week. Not quite sure what happened but I never made them.)
From Eating Well

Tuesday: Chipotle Rubbed Flank Steak; Cous Cous; Spinach with Toasted Almonds
Photo from John Autry

Wednesday: Moroccan Style Zucchini and Tomatoes; Whole Grain Rolls

Thursday: 5 Spice Turkey and Lettuce Wraps

From Eating Well

Friday: Quesadillas; Salad

Saturday: Date Night with the Hubster; the kids will eat  left overs.


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday's Something to Ponder

Today if you feel tempted to censor yourself for fear of not being accepted, remember: It’s better to be judged for something you are than to be accepted for something you’re not.
- Lori Deschene founder of Tiny Buddha

Friday, May 27, 2011

Friday Finds

This week, I came across an adorable clock. Lucky for me, I need some clocks. Now, truth be told, I gave up wearing a watch about 5 years ago. I've tried to go back but just can't get used to having a timepiece on my wrist. It's not that they're too heavy, I just don't like to be bothered with the idea that I may be running late for something. Although I hate to be late, I've come to realize, the world does not stop if I am late. Yep. That's right! The world does not revolve around me or my ability to show up. But, like I said, I hate to be late. I don't like to inconvenience people. That's why I need clocks. They get me out the door. So, without further adieu, here is one of the cutest clocks I've seen in a while...

From tatertots and jello

This is a Washi Tape Clock and you can get the tute right here. Well, what are you doing? Don't waste time, go get it!


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thirsty Thursday

With the long Memorial Day weekend upon us, I thought I'd post a drink recipe for your enjoyment. Temps here are already in the high 90s so I was looking for a refreshing drink. I've found just the thing.

Raspberry Beer Cocktail. This is a Southern Living recipe so all credits go to them.
Photo: Charles Walton IV; Styling: Buffy Hargett
And, how much do we love these glasses?
They'd be so easy to recreate!

Also, with it being Memorial Day weekend and tons of folks heading to the beach or pool, I'm also posting this tidbit of helpful info I came across yesterday on safe sunscreens.

Linking up to:


Monday, May 23, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

Image representing Woot as depicted in CrunchBaseImage via CrunchBase
Can I hear a Woot! ? How about a Woot! Woot! ? Last week was my last week of work until the Fall. Being a preschool teacher-assistant is wonderful! This is my first week of Summer. The sun is shining. A gentle breeze is blowing. My kids are still in school. I have no where in particular I need to be today. Oh what a feeling!

Here's the menu I came up with this morning while leisurely planning over a cup of coffee...

Monday: Turkey-Sausage & Arugula Pasta; whole grain rolls
Photo from Eating Well

Tuesday: Home-made pizzas (I use this recipe for my crust); Salad

Wednesday: Steak Burritos; Rice; Guacamole Salad
Photo from Eating Well

Thursday: Orecchiette with Peas, Shrimp & Buttermilk Herb Dressing
Photo from my recipes Anna Williams

Friday: Grilling out with Neighbors - Burgers; Broccoli Slaw

Saturday: C.O.R.N. (Clean Out Refrigerator Night)

Sunday: Chicken Parmesan Subs; Fruit Salad

Photo from Eating Well

Time to refill my coffee...


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday's Something to Ponder

I'd rather live a life of "oh wells" than a life of "what ifs."

I thought this fitting with all the rumors circulating about the rapture. I hope we are all living our lives so that in the end (whenever that may be) we have no regrets.


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday Finds

This week, I have found a fabulous idea for that entertainment center you no longer need now that you have that flat screen TV.
Photo from My insanity

Isn't this the best idea??? You can read the entire blog post here. Now, I've gotta do some roadside shopping for entertainment centers. Wish me luck!


Monday, May 16, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

Sunday: Tortellini Primavera; Whole Grain Rolls

Monday: Beef and Bok Choy Stir Fry; Fruit

Tuesday: Gnocchi with Chard and White Beans; Salad

Wednesday: Braising Mix with Pasta

Thursday: Sandwiches

Friday: C.O.R.N (Clean Out Refrigerator Night)

Saturday: Taking White Chocolate Lemon Truffles to a friend's party


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday's Something to Ponder

 The only people with whom
you should try to get even 
are those who have helped you.
- John E. Southard

Monday, May 2, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

There's a lot to celebrate this week.

MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - JANUARY 19:  Children w...Image by Getty Images via @daylife

First of all, the obvious. Bin Laden is no longer a threat. Justice has been served for the families of thousands who lost loved ones; for the millions who saw their way of life change probably forever; for countless number of our military who sacrificed so much to defend us all.

Secondly, Track & Field and Lacrosse have officially ended! This means more family meals around my dinner table. Wait! No it doesn't. Swim Season's here...

And, lastly, the Hubster turns 44 on Friday. Since almost losing him to heart disease when he was 41, every year is both a bonus and a blessing. This year, friends will gather at our neighborhood pool with dishes in hand. The kids will swim. The adults will eat and chat. Fun times await!

Now, on to the menu...
(I'll be linking to Organizing Junkie)

Monday: Swim Team Spirit Night at Rio Grande Mexican Restaurant. Yummy...Margaritas!

Tuesday: Dilled Pasta Salad with Spring Vegetables; Fruit

Wednesday: Polenta & Vegetable Bake; Salad

Thursday: Chicken Adobo Soup with Bok Choy; Whole Grain Rolls

Friday: Birthday Celebration for the Hubster: Noshin' at the Pool (I'm taking Peel & Eat Shrimp and Birthday Cake)


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sunday's Something to Ponder

A new installment on Oh Swizzle Sticks! I love quotes. My laundry room is painted in chalkboard paint just so I can randomly put up quotes for my family to read and ponder. Today, Sunday's Something to Ponder is born. Hope you enjoy.

You are somebody's reason to smile.

I don't know who first said this. But I like it.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Not a Good Week

Well, my Menu Planning has fallen to the way-side this week. My house is full of sick people. Me included. We are one man short as the Hubster is out of town. What a joyous week this is turning out to be!

I can tell you that Monday night we ate grilled cheese made with Muenster Cheese. Did you know April is Grilled Cheese Month? Well, it's true. What's your favorite grilled cheese sandwich recipe?
Tuesday night, the Princess fixed me toast. I'm really not sure if anyone else in the house ate. I was in bed the entire day Tuesday. That toast was probably the best toast I'd ever had.
Today is Wednesday. I am thinking it's a good night for Pasta. Don't  know what I'll do with it yet. Gonna have to wait and see what I feel like around dinner time.
Tomorrow will be Thursday and my last night of the week to cook. Hoping to fix Grilled Polenta with Shrimp and Escarole.
Friday begins our Spring Break and we're headed to Atlanta. The Hubster will take Man-Cub and Not-Too-Big-To-Say-He-Loves-Me to a Braves game. I will take the Princess to the American Girl Doll Store. And, we will end our trip with Man-Cub and me going to the Bodies Exhibit. For the second half of Spring Break, we'll be headed to our home in NC. Hoping to get a lot of work done and take in Easter morning at the Sunrise Service at Chimney Rock.



Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Weekly Menu 4/4

My CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) pick up starts this week! I am so excited to be getting fresh, organic produce again. Yay! You'll notice I don't have a lot of veggies listed in my meal plan this week. That's because I'll decide what to serve once I pick up my share.

Want info on my CSA? I use Ambrose Family Farm located on Wadmalaw Island in South Carolina. My family of 5 splits an XL share with two other families. Each of those is a family of 4. As I'm sure your mind is calculating, that's a lot of veggies each week. It works for us but we're not vegetarians trying to survive only on what we get in our box each week. I encourage you to find a CSA in your area. Not only are you eating fresh veggies which are more nutritious, you are also supporting your local farmer. Everybody wins. Who's your farmer?

So here's my menu:

Monday: brats; cole slaw; sweet potato fries

Tuesday: Quesadillas; salad

Wednesday: Chickpea Burgers with Tahini Sauce

Thursday: Eat Out

Friday: Steak Skewers with Blue Cheese Dip; New Potatoes

Saturday: Birthday Dinner for Man-cub at my mother's house. It's his big 16!!!


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Weekly Menu 3/28

Welcome to the week of the mysterious weather! I must admit, I did not check the weather forecast before planning my menu this week. Not that I ever do. But, if there was ever a week to check, it was this one! We've been experiencing spring-like, if not summer-like days for a few weeks now. So, in planning my menu, I included melons, salads, and all-round light fare. The week began and BAM! (Not in an Emeril way but in a bad way.) Those summer and spring time temps dropped faster than a raw egg from the hands of my "ever-helpful" 7 year old. The menu was planned, the groceries were purchased. What's a girl to do? Why, serve it up, of course!

Monday: chicken and fruit salad; whole grain baguette

Tuesday: eatin' out

Wednesday: Hawaiian calzone; salad; melon

Thursday: chickpea, spinach and squash gnocchi

Friday: salmon burgers; salad; pasta side



Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Weekly Menu 3/14

This was week two of online shopping with my Harris Teeter. Once again, Ronda did an exceptional job picking out all of my produce. I cannot tell you how much I am enjoying this service. It is a total time saver and I'm spending less! Now, on to the menu I've planned for this week...

Monday: Matzo-crusted Salmon; mashed potatoes; green beans
(This was really good although I'm not a fan of a lot of Dijon mustard taste. I will probably add less dijon next time and more yogurt. The rest of the family loved it the way it was.) 
Mashed potatoes were Betty Crocker's new Roasted Garlic. I was given two boxes to try out and I can say they really do taste as good as homemade, just like the box claims. Nutritionally speaking, they are slightly high in sodium and since there is no way to remove the sodium, they may not be for everyone. We enjoyed them and I would use them again when in a pinch for time.
Photo from Whole Foods Market

Tuesday: BBQ chicken quesadillas; spinach salad

Wednesday: Brats; cole slaw; fries

Thursday: Hawaiian Calzones; Salad (green, of course, for St. Patrick's Day!)

Friday: Hitting the road for Gerton, NC! No cooking tonight. Or Saturday!

