Monday, July 9, 2007's Monday morning! Swim Team is over for my boys and I'd thought it'd be a great morning to sleep in (translation...past 7 AM) but sadly, I was mistaken. Millie was up before anyone and climbed into bed with us. Her sweet rubs and whispers of "Mommy, I love you so much!" were hard to sleep through. And I wouldn't have wanted to. Who'd want to pass that up? She did get out of bed with Joe when he decided to let our 8 month old Weimaraner out...and proceeded to lock himself out of the house. His knocks brought a another level of consciousness to my still-in-bed self. (I was trying really hard to sleep in.) Luckily, Porter was awake and downstairs. He let his Daddy in. I was safe, covers pulled tightly to my shoulders.
Moments later, I decided all the trying to stay in bed wasn't worth it. The sound of Joe's shower was annoying and there was a strange smell of coffee....
I made my way to the kitchen and there the new coffee maker sat in a puddle of coffee and more was flowing. Of course I knew just how it had happened. Joe had forgotten to empty the pot of yesterday's leftovers before he started the machine. There had been quite a bit left as we found ourselves locked out of our house yesterday and couldn't drink our planned quotas. (Joe only took a car key to church; I took no keys since I wasn't driving. Thank goodness my neighbor and my mom both have a key. Only too bad my neighbor is out of town until Tuesday and my mom was not home. We would have called her but, alas, we didn't bring our cell phones either. So, after eating a less than desirable Wendy's burger, we drove back to my moms. Thankfully she was now home. But, by now, it was way to late in the day and HOT to enjoy a cup of coffee.) But back to today's drama. I got the Monday morning mess cleaned up and restarted the coffee maker...correctly. I'm now on my second cup.

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