Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Brown B(r)aggin'

I'm linking to I'm an Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday.

The Princess - roast beef bells (cut roast beef in half lengthwise; spread with thin layer of lite Boursin cheese; add two strips of bell pepper; roll up. The bell pepper strips should stick out of the top which  is the not flat side of the roast beef), blueberries, pistachios
Not-too-big-to-say-he-loves-me - turkey sandwich, chips and salsa, orange

The Princess - Canadian bacon slices, grilled pineapple rings, crackers, blueberries and grapes,celery and hummus
Not-too-big-to-say-he-loves-me - Minestrone soup, crackers

Baked Potato, pistachios, blueberries

Ziti, pita bread wedges with hummus, celery or carrots, oranges

Chicken Pot Pie, mashed potatoes with turnips, apple slices

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